Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Sciatica: A Health Issue That Makes Legs Numb

Leg numbness is a health problem that commonly affects all age groups in our modern times. Several reasons can cause this situation, including sitting in one position for long durations and nerve damage because of diabetes. This article covers the basic information about Numb legs ( ขาชา, which is the term in Thai), which is also called Sciatica in medical terms.


The Sciatic nerve is located in the lower back of the human body, and it runs from the hips down to the legs. If it is pinched, it could result in your leg becoming null, and Sciatica typically affects the same or both sides of your body.

Sciatica pain begins around the hips or waist. In certain instances, it could be fractured to the calf or foot. These symptoms can be identified as being caused by nerve compression, and it could be a result of herniated discs causing pressure.Most of them suffer from pain in just one leg, and a few will experience symptoms across both legs.

Pain Syndrome Caused By The Back Area

1) Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

It is a frequent complaint in those suffering from back pain that spreads downwards down their legs. Because spinal vertebrae in the region have a significant amount of weight and substantial mobility, it is more mobile than other vertebrae that cause herniated discs.

2) Degenerative Spinal Nerve Compression Or Spinal Stenosis

The cause is an age-related degeneration in the spinal column. The discs and joints are damaged, resulting in a gradual lowering or growth of bones, causing nerve compression.

Pain That Does Not Originate In The Back

Piriformis Syndrome (Piriformis Syndrome)

The piriformis muscles are located in the rear of your hips, and it is crucial due to their location in the middle of the sciatica nerve. This can result in compression of the Sciatica nerve, which can cause a dull, localized discomfort in the back of the hip, which causes a rupture down the leg.

Hamstring Muscle Inflammation

It is caused by the muscles connecting the knees and the hips (Hamstring Muscle).There is tenderness in the buttocks that extends to the rear part of the thigh, and it is felt located in the upper thigh.


1) The Pain Relievers.

Many different medicines are available to ease the pain caused by various reasons. And adapt accordingly to the patient’s condition. This makes it safe to utilize medications and lessen the pest based on the situation.

2) Physiotherapy And Exercises

Exercises for stretching and building muscles by focusing on abdominal muscles and back muscles (Core Muscle Exercise) could increase the workout for the muscles in your hips too.

3) Surgical Treatment

If medication and therapies don’t work out on the pain, the doctors advise surgery.

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