Thursday, 17 Oct 2024

How to Remove External Hemorrhoids at Home?

Hemorrhoid tops the list of annoyances that most people prefer to shy away from discussing it. It is also known as piles and is one of the most common health problems. Almost every three people out of four tend to suffer from hemorrhoids. But how to get rid of the problem is one major question. What many people do not realize is every individual is born with hemorrhoids. But we do not know it till the time it starts acting up.

Hemorrhoids tend to bulge or swell because of various reasons such as straining, constipation, chronic diarrhea, sitting for long periods in the toilet, and heavy lifting. The risk of suffering from hemorrhoids also increases with pregnancy, obesity, and age. This is mainly due to the weakening of the tissue surrounding the anus. Hemorrhoids may be classified into internal and external. But most people are concerned about how to remove external hemorrhoids at home. This is probably because external hemorrhoids are more painful than internal hemorrhoids.

Remedies and Treatments for Hemorrhoids

At-home remedies for hemorrhoids can be a great help in alleviating the symptoms within a week. Following are some of the hemorrhoid treatments that you can try at home:

Topical Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Over-the-counter topical creams can be of great help in relieving you of pain and itchy hemorrhoids. You can try using a suppository that contains hydrocortisone, witch hazel, and lidocaine. These over-the-counter creams contain steroids, painkillers, and numbing agents that can help in alleviating the swelling and pain. When using it, make sure to strictly follow the instructions. A word of caution is to avoid using these medications for not more than a week.

Oral Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin, and ibuprofen that is nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory will be helpful in providing temporary relief. Tylenol is another pain reliever that you can use to get relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

More Fiber Intake

Include more fiber in your diet to avoid issues like constipation. Beans, whole grains, broccoli, and fresh fruits are some options that you can include in your diet. It will help you stay regular in your bowel movement. It will also prevent you from straining and irritating the hemorrhoids.

Drink Plenty of Water

One of the easiest and most essential ways to fix a flaring hemorrhoid is to stay hydrated. Increased intake of water will make your stool soft, and regular and prevent you from straining. Add a cup of tea and infused water to motivate yourself to drink more water.

Use Ice Pack

Painful and swollen hemorrhoids can also be effectively treated with ice packs. It provides short-term relief. However, always wrap the ice with a cloth or a paper towel to protect the skin.

Sitz Bath

Another effective solution to get immediate relief from hemorrhoid symptoms is to take a sitz bath. It helps in relieving itchiness and irritation. It will also soothe your anal sphincter muscles from the spasm.

Stay Active

Light physical exercises such as swimming, walking, running, and dancing may be helpful in regulating your bowel movements. It will also help you in preventing future hemorrhoid flare-ups and relieve you from its symptoms. Avoid sitting or standing for an extended period as it can increase the pressure on your veins causing irritation to the hemorrhoids. Stretching and Yoga are other activities that you try.

In Office Procedure of Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids can be extremely painful if it results in blood clots. Though they are not dangerous it takes time to resolve. So if you find the pain unbearable then consult a doctor. He can easily remove it with a simple in-office procedure. The best time to remove the thrombosed hemorrhoid is the first 24-48 hours and is the most painful time.

Rubber Band Litigation

Rubber band litigation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves wrapping a rubber band around the bottom of hemorrhoid. The purpose is to cut off the blood circulation and to let hemorrhoid shrink and fall off on their own. There are no major complications associated with it. However, you might experience some pain and tightness. However, you should avoid trying this at home.

When To Consult the Doctor?

After having tried the in-office procedures and the home remedies, if you feel that it is not helping you with the flare-ups then it’s time to see the doctor. Talk to your doctor about the various surgical options that might help you in getting rid of the hemorrhoids. Recovery from surgical treatments might be quite painful but it is one of the most effective ways. Hemorrhoidectomy and stapling the hemorrhoids are the surgical procedures that help in getting rid of hemorrhoids.

What’s important to note is that the symptoms of hemorrhoids may be an indication of a more serious health condition. Therefore it is important to consult a doctor if you notice different stool colors, changes in your bowel habits, consistency, or a large amount of blood. Although it is quite rare but rectal bleeding may also be a sign of anal cancer or colorectal cancer.

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