Symptoms of Veneered Tooth Infection

People who use dental veneers have the impression that after veneering, their teeth will not suffer in any way. But this idea is completely wrong. If you do not pay attention to oral and dental hygiene, or if you do not fix problems such as mild caries and plaque on the tooth before dental veneers, you will get an infection of veneered teeth.
Therefore, it is necessary to be familiar with the symptoms of an infected tooth, so that as soon as you see these symptoms, you can immediately visit an experienced dentist before the condition of your tooth becomes acute. As a dentist performing veneers in Vancouver explains, if the infection of the coated tooth progresses, it will not only cause the loss of the root of the tooth but also damage the side teeth.
Symptoms of Gum Infection After Dental Veneers
Unfortunately, some people who use dental veneers complain of gum infection shortly after dental veneers. Why does this happen:
Covered Tooth Decay
One of the most important reasons for tooth infection after dental veneers is that the decay is in the target tooth and since the veneer is placed on the tooth, you cannot control the condition of the tooth every day. Therefore, this decay progresses very quickly. As a result, over time, severe pain occurs in the coated tooth, as well as gum infection after the tooth coating.
Improper Size of Dental Crown
Another reason for gum infection after dental veneers is pressure from the veneer area. That’s why most of professionals put a temporary crown on your tooth and ask you to monitor the state of the crown for a week before installing the crown permanently. During this time, you should be very careful that if there is too much pressure on the gums while eating or if the teeth do not match, you should report all these cases to the specialist. If the edge of the crown is long, there will be a lot of pressure on the gums every time you eat. This issue has caused inflammation of the gums and due to the damage done to the gums, it will lead to gum infection after the tooth veneer.
The Short Size of the Dental Crown
As much as the high height of the crown causes damage to the gums, the shortness of the crown and the lack of full coverage of the tooth will also bring the risk of infection of the crown and also the infection of the gums after the crown. If the veneer does not completely cover your tooth, food accumulates under the veneer and penetrates under the gums very easily. As a result, the tooth is severely exposed to decay and gum infection also occurs.
Failure to Restore Teeth Before Veneers
Before you go for dental veneers, the condition of your teeth should be examined. If decay has occurred and needs to be repaired, or if a scale has formed on the tooth, it is necessary to scale or repair your tooth and go for a dental veneer. Otherwise, after installing the cover on the tooth, the particles will be trapped under the cover and decay will progress very quickly. Therefore, tooth infection and gum infection occur.