Thursday, 13 Mar 2025

What We Can Learn From the Asian Men’s Health Crisis

The statistics around Asian men’s health are startling. For instance, Asian men have the second-highest rate of suicide in the world. They are less likely to go see a doctor and more likely to suffer from chronic diseases, like diabetes or cardiovascular disease. There are many reasons for this crisis and it is important to know what is causing it so that we can work towards a solution.

The Asian men’s health crisis

Each year, more than 1 million men die from heart disease globally. In Asia, rates of diabetes are rising, and rates of death from diabetes are rising too. In China, for example, the number one cause of death is now type 2 diabetes. Asian men have the second-highest rate of suicide in the world. They are less likely to go see a doctor and more likely to suffer from chronic diseases, like diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

There are many reasons for this crisis and it is important to know what is causing it so that we can work towards a solution. One factor is that many Asian cultures do not view going to the doctor as “a sign of strength” and often view it as a sign of vulnerability. This leads them to neglect their health until it becomes an emergency situation. Another factor has been a lack of effort by doctors to persuade people to go get screened for various diseases due to cultural differences in how different countries approach healthcare services.

Another symptom is a sexual dysfunction. Which could occur when you started to be stressed out, eat unhealthy and don’t exercise regularly.  Men usually don’t aware this symptom even though   it’s something that could matters to marriage life., a leading Viagra (ไวอากร้า) marketing place in Thailand, shared an interesting information to us that the consumption of Viagra has been increasing continuously due to the stress at work.

Why is the Asian male population in crisis?

There are many reasons why the Asian male population is in crisis. One of the most prominent reasons is due to many cultures’ attitudes towards mental health. In many Asian cultures, a man with mental health issues is seen as weak or feminine. As a result, depression, anxiety and suicide are often not taken seriously by those who need it most. Furthermore, the societal pressures for men to be successful in school and work can be too much. The combination of mental health issues, social pressure and lack of support may lead men to feel that they have no way out.

What needs to change?

One of the major issues that needs to be addressed is the work-life balance. In Asia, there is this idea that a man’s place is in the office. This usually means working 50+ hours a week, meaning they are not able to spend time with their families or doing anything else. They have no time for anything else but work because they need to make as much money as possible. Men also typically have very little contact with their children and often don’t know how to be there for them emotionally when it comes to problems like bullying at school.

It’s important for men in Asia to learn how to manage their time better so they can take care of themselves and their families too. A lot of Asian women want more from their husbands and want them to be more present in their family life. It’s important for male leaders in all areas, from the boardroom to the home, to change this antiquated way of thinking about gender roles so that Asian men can improve their health overall.


Men, specifically Asian men, are at risk for a variety of health problems. Not only are many at risk for prostate cancer, but they are also at risk for depression, suicide and other mental health issues. This is a frightening thought given that the population of Asians in North America is only expected to grow.

It’s time for the Asian male population to stop being so silent and start talking about their mental health and make strides to change their lives. The first step is recognizing the problem and taking a step towards change.

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